We strengthen the music industry.
Women, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people are significantly underrepresented in the Swiss music industry. While it is estimated that around 50% of girls are active in music schools, there are hardly any women, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people active in the professional sector. To change this, we all need to take responsibility. Every individual. Every organisation. Every institution. Helvetiarockt identifies grievances, points out alternatives and finds concrete solutions together with all those involved. We demand the representation of diversity in our society in all areas and stand up for a vibrant music industry.
A preliminary study on gender relations in the Swiss cultural sector by Pro Helvetia and the Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Basel examined the proportion of women in stage performance, music production and teaching at Swiss music academies. It is based on the perceived gender. At this point, we would like to emphasise that we are not only committed to equality for women and girls, but also for inter, non-binary, trans and agender people. For this reason, we have added a gender star («*») to the terms «woman» and «man» in the following diagrams. With the gender star at the end of terms such as woman*, man* or musician*, we question social norms and the two-gender system.

On stage in pop, rock and jazz: 11% women*, 89% men*

Music production: 2% women*, 98% men*

Teaching staff at Swiss music highschools 12% Frauen*, 88% Männer*
A nationwide, cross-disciplinary study on the topic of gender equality in music is still lacking. Helvetiarockt is in dialogue with stakeholders to implement such a study nationally and in all genres. Until then, we will create our own diagrams based on counts. Are you counting too? We are happy to receive all the latest facts – share them with us mail@helvetiarockt.ch.
Vorstudie Geschlechterverhältnisse im Schweizer Kulturbetrieb, Pro Helvetia & Zentrum Gender Studies Universität Basel, 2021.
Vorstudie «Frauenanteil in Basler Bands», Erhebung zur Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und zur Sichtbarkeit von Frauen in der Basler Popszene, Musikbüro Basel (ehemals RFV Basel), 2018.
Be the change, Gender equity in music, Kahlert et al., 2024 (MIDiAresearch)
État des lieux de la présence des femmes dans la filière musicale, Centre national de la musique France, 2023.
GENDER.MACHT.MUSIK. Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Jazz, Deutsche Jazzunion, 2020.
Frauen in Kultur und Medien. Ein Überblick über aktuelle Tendenzen, Entwicklungen und Lösungsvorschläge, Schulz et al., 2016.
- We think outside the gender boxes and break free from traditional binary roles. We don’t judge a person’s abilities or interests on the basis of their gender identity.
- We employ women, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people in our team and recognise how the hierarchies and power structures in our areas of work function, who has what to say where and why. We point out our own inequalities.
- When we experience someone being treated unfairly, we intervene. We make sure to create safe spaces where everyone is heard.
- We use gender-appropriate language and pay attention to a balanced and diversified visibility of gender identities, social and ethnic origin, age etc., in our various ways of communication.
- We reflect on our own behavior and patterns. If we are unsure about something we ask questions and make sure to communicate and exchange ideas with friends*.
Download here our equality 1 × 1.
Not enough? Learn more in our press section.
Feminism is a personal stance as well as a political movement that demands equal rights and opportunities for all people.
Sexism is discrimination on the basis of gender and implicit gender bias. This stems from the unequal social status of men compared to women, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people.
Biological sex /Assigned sex
A person’s biological sex is determined by certain biological characteristics and features which define to which gender a person is assigned to at birth.
Gender is referred to as an individual’s social sex. This includes (the) socially and culturally constructed gender roles of women* and men* and the perception of male or female characteristics.
Gender diversity
Gender diversity expresses the fact that there are more than just two sexes, i.e. the distinction between women* and men*.
Gender-appropriate language
By using gender-appropriate language, we question a hierarchical gender order and stereotypical gender attributes, whilst recognizing that there are more than two gender identities. There are several ways to express this; most common in the German language is the gender star * and the gendergap _. We have chosen the gender star for Helvetiarockt in German, English and Rhaeto-Romanic and the x in French and Italian.
In English we look to use gender neutral language where ever possible i.e. musicians, artists or program managers. With the gender star at the end of terms such as woman*, man* or female*, masculine* we question social norms and the binary system.
Experts & Campaigns
European Institute for Gender EqualityEJN – Europe Jazz Network
Manifesto on Gender Balance in JazzFemale:Pressure
DirectoryForum Musik Diversität
Gender Studies, Equality und DiversityGenderstudies
Kooperationsprojekt Musik und Gender an der Universität BaselKeychange
Keychange InitiativeMake it Equal
Make it EqualMelodiva
Female* Music Network GermanyShe ist the Music
She is the musicWomen in Music
Women in Music