
Pay your Way

Follow up workshop

This workshop offers participants knowledge and exchange on the following questions:

How do we finance our music?

(e.g. creation, recording / video / production costs, financing going on tour)

How do we contextualise our projects in social life? How do we link them with potential partners, where do we find them, how do we approach them? What attitude and language do we use to address them? 

How do we write concepts, applications and dossiers so that they make sense internally and externally? What goes through the mind of the decision-maker when reading our applications?

How does funding fit into project planning, organisation and implementation? How much time does it actually take up? Is it seen as a separate task or is it structurally and conceptually embedded in the project? How do we ensure that our financing options are constantly diversified and can also be expanded?

Can financing strategies be thought of collaboratively? How is project financing linked to the project content? What kind of relationships exist with funding partners?
Can funding issues be fun? What are tricks and tips and helpful anecdotes from experienced arts or cultural practitioners?


In addition to basic information on funding models in the music and cultural sector, the workshop deliberately focuses on knowledge from practice. 

Coach Milena has experience as both an artist applying for funding and as a long-term jury member, making decisions on which projects receive funding. She will offer participants the opportunity to look at her personal funding applications.

We will examine approaches based on projects, organisations and people who inspire us with their concepts, their dealings with partners and their funding strategies.
A substantial part of the workshop will be available for questions and concrete needs of all workshop participants. 

Participants are invited to bring their own concept drafts to discuss and work on in the workshop. What can and should also be brought along: concrete questions from your own projects (active or completed), projects from the public whose funding strategy you would like to examine more closely for your own research purposes, burning questions or uncertainties in the area of fundraising.

We address all these topics by activating the collective knowledge of all participants.

The workshop is for all women, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people in our community, especially those who are breaking through or are musicians regularly releasing and / or touring. There is no age limit. Sign up!

Coach: Milena Krstić 

Original concept: Eva Heller

  • Live at Kleine Bühne in Progr in Bern on the first weekend.
  • 19 May, 18.00 – 22.00 is a follow up online session, where participants can ask follow up questions or show their progress and get feedback.
  • The workshop takes place in English, participants can ask questions and do group work in French, German and English.

Coach: Milena Krstić

Input and Q&A with Kate Espasandin (Coordination, Fédération genevoise des musiques de création).

Q&A with Eva Heller

Time: 09.30 – 17.00 Uhr (26.04. & 27.04.2025) // 18.00 – 20.00 Uhr (19.05.2025, online)

For: Women, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people

Age: All ages

Language: de • en • fr

Costs: CHF 120 / CHF 200 / ab CHF 250 (dynamisches Preismodell: siehe unten)

Coach: Milena Krstić

Registration deadline: 17.04.2025





For Helvetiarockt members and KulturLegi holders.

For all other participants.

If you wish to support our work and are willing to invest more.


Participation is possible from 18 years of age.


Cost, age & language should not be the reason not to participate. If it is, get in touch with us!


Write us 076 545 08 88 or E-Mail


Read our media reports.