About us
Let’s talk about us
Helvetiarockt is an association and is active throughout Switzerland. We are committed to gender equality in the fields of jazz, pop and rock. With our courses we offer a platform for women, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people to discover music and we also promote and connect professional artists. Our goal is to raise awareness in the music industry. We demand appropriate visibility and recognition for women, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people, gender-balanced line-ups, teams and committees. Every day we aim to inspire people to fight inequality and find solutions together.
Balance Income Sheet 2023
Annual Report 2023
Mission Statement
Statutes of the association
Alice Reinhard
Fundraising, concepts & impact assessment
Alice impressed us from the very start with her sense of textual precision combined with a pronounced cultural and political acumen. It quickly became clear that we wanted to win her over for Helvetiarockt. And we succeeded😊. Since August 2023, Alice has been working in fundraising and in the conception of the association. She tackles issues with broad thinking, refreshing vehemence and tenacity, asks critical questions and seeks and finds creative solutions. Analytical. Organised. At the same time, she likes to jump in at the deep end and be inspired by new ideas. Quite literally too, as she likes to cool off from the summer heat in city fountains.
The Lucerne native and Basel resident by choice loves language, so it’s no wonder that her CV is characterised by engagements in which she has been able to develop and show precisely this ability. For a long time, she worked as an editor and presenter at the youth, culture and education radio station 3FACH, and later became the radio’s manager. She also lives out her love of music and culture by working at various festivals: At the Comixfestival Fumetto, the Openair Funk am See and in the Echolot Festival team.
Her keen interest in socio-political issues led her to Vienna, where she completed a master’s degree in political science and tested all of the city’s outdoor swimming pools. Meanwhile, she never completely cut ties with her roots. In Austria, Alice wrote for a Lucerne-based online cultural magazine on the side, before physically moving back to Switzerland.
Neither a morning nor an evening person, Alice is a fan of the dusk. Fortunately, she also finds peace of mind at other times of the day, e.g. while on her bike – especially when it’s steep uphill, while growing tomatoes in her backyard or while listening to her favourite medium, the podcast.
Pronomen: sie/ihr
Anita Rochedy
Regional Management West – Helvetiarockt Music Lab
Anita is a fiery soul who first saw the light of day in the northwest of southeastern France and has been living in Switzerland now for over 20 years. After an exciting decade in Geneva, she lost her heart to Biel-Bienne, where she dedicates herself to her passions for language and music.
She is a true polyglot – French, English, Italian, and German are her playgrounds. In addition to her work with Helvetiarockt, she is active as a literary translator. She took her first steps in the world of translation with the lyrics of Bryan Ferry – a gift for her father and a tribute to her love of live music. Nowadays, she mostly translates novels and poetry, often with majestic mountains as her backdrop.
Musically and politically, Anita is shaped by the DIY scene, antifolk, and post-punk – a combination that makes her creative heart beat faster. In Biel-Bienne, she is involved in various projects, from collectif radio ultraviolet·t to Quai du bas. She loves singing and is active in two choirs, depending on the project and her mood. She also founded the ciné-club at Amikino, which is currently on a short break but promises to return soon!
And yes, despite her petite stature, you’d better not step on her toes – especially not during a concert :)! Her flexibility and linguistic wit also shine through in her name, which we’re allowed to use backwards too! Go «Atina»!
Pronouns: She / Her
Anita Schaub
Communication & Project Management
Anita has a creative mind, a talent for organisation and is a team player. It’s no wonder that her career at Helvetiarockt took off after starting out as a temporary replacement. She has taken over various projects while also attending to the graphical needs of the team – constantly adjusting and tinkering with the website.
In the era prior to working at Helvetiarockt, Anita was active in communication for the GHOST FESTIVAL and the foundation EQUIPE VOLO. In the latter case, she also lent a hand on the front line herself, lugging boxes and driving the big vehicles with the clients during removals. She is a hands-on person anyway: whether in the office or at home, Anita has no problem with getting her hands dirty. Whether at home or at the office, she gets things done with no hesitation, with a laptop in one hand and screwdriver in the other.
When Anita is not in the office, she is working on texts and graphics for the clients of her own graphic studio or competing with her son in high diving, volleyball or basketball. Or maybe she’s off somewhere in nature, far away from civilisation, with no reception at all. She never goes anywhere without her headphones though, because music is her elixir of life: Soul, hip-hop, reggae, from dub to electro – all flowing constantly through her eardrums. Whe dances whenever possible into the early hours of the morning to booming bass at some concert or party – preferably drum’n’bass and jungle – recharging her beat-battery.
Pronouns: She/Her
Céline Gex
Fundraising Romandie
Hazbi Avdiji
Co-management Helvetiarockt On Tour & Diversity Roadmap
Anyone who sees Hazbi hard at work would have a hard time believing it’s the same person who claims they can cry tears of joy just from seeing their bed. Full of beans and always uncovering hidden connections, Hazbi, sorry, Dr. Hazbi, is fully dedicated to the good cause.
Where does Hazbi’s all overpowering energy and, at the same time, enviable clear-sightedness come from? Perhaps because they have lived several lives and have constantly evolved, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly: Hazbi has survived the war, accompanied a drunk Tina Turner home, called out the numbers at Bingo, taught hundreds of students, won various awards, fought their way back from illness and erased toxic masculinity from their life.
Additionally, Hazbi makes music, which even Rihanna has heard. Hazbi also curates events such as the Queer Balkan Disco in Zurich.
Hazbi makes our day-to-day life brighter, not only with their critical thinking, directness and eye for the big picture, but also with always carefully selected outfits that never look strained yet completely outshine other fashionistas in the office.
Pronouns: they/them, he/him
Kathy Bajaria
National community and workshop co-ordination Helvetiarockt Music Lab
Kathy is the globetrotter amongst us. They have Indian and Austrian roots, grew up in Sheffield, lived in Liverpool, Berlin and Amsterdam and sometimes secretly dreams of a life by the sea. Kathy lived in Lucerne for over 20 years and has been significant in shaping local cultural life by organizing concerts, parties and political events. These days they’re based in Bern, where you’re sure to bump into them at gigs around town.
Kathy has been working with the Music Lab team since the beginning of 2018 and leads the Musicians in Conversation podcast project. Since 2022 they’re responsible for national community and workshop coordination. As a music lover, DJ and trained cultural manager, they can apply their wide range of experience. Kathy’s broad perspective and ability to see larger contexts is invaluable. It’s impressive to see how easily they connect people and projects with one another. With their calm English manner, they can cool down any heated discussion. Not even cold water will make them flinch. You might even catch a glimpse of them swimming in the Lake of Lucerne or the Aare in late autumn. So cool.
Pronouns: She / They
Letizia Carigiet
Co-management Helvetiarockt On Tour & Diversity Roadmap
Feminism may have already begun in the cradle for Letizia. Hailing from the Canton of Grisons, she has been involved and dedicated in numerous projects for a better world. She stands up and speaks out against injustice, without being boisterous. She has done campaign work for “Flirt Don’t Hurt”, “16 Tage Gegen Gewalt an Frauen” and is co-initiator of the Queens* of Hip-Hop Festival. She studied German Literature, Edition Philology & Theatre Studies, led the youth mentoring project “womentoring” and has been involved in education and youth politics. She later worked as a research assistant for a project at the University of Bern.
Since 2018 she has been rousing up Helvetiarockt as an all-rounder, combining her passion for music with the fight against inequality. She started out leading the Helvetiarockt bandworkshops and the musicdirectory.org. Since 2022, Letizia has been co-managing the Diversity Roadmap & On Tour projects and is our expert on the topic of sexualised violence in clubs and festivals. Fresh inputs and critical questions are Letizia’s specialty. Despite – or maybe precisely because of – her analytical and calm nature, she cracks people up with her dry humor. Should this ever fail to defuse a critical situation, she has one last ace up her sleeve. With her “Silly Dance” she’ll have everyone rolling on the floor laughing in no time.
Pronouns: She / Her
Lula Pergoletti
Before Lula joined the Helvetiarockt team, the former Co-Director of bee-flat travelled from Italy to Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Greece and then Turkey in a self-refurbished bus, adding numerous impressions, anecdotes and encounters to her already eventful life. But before and alongside the music, there were always words and writing. For several years, she was a driving force, organizing literature and music festivals around Bern.
Coming from a family of artists, Lula was already at home in theatre and concert halls at an early age. As a teenager, she spent all her pocket money on CDs, vinyl and travelling across Switzerland to concerts and festivals every weekend. Later, she took to the turntables herself and played vinyl at various events. Her professional path quickly led her into the world of culture, whether as editor of the Berner Kulturagenda or as an event organiser.
Lula doesn’t need much to be happy, as she has already proven on her 6-month trip through the Balkans. But music – whether live or on vinyl – is part of her life in every way. Extremely alert, interested in many things and versed in many ways, her fire is easy to kindle. However, she is also passionate about initiating her own projects.
When she has free time, she uses it to enjoy good food and philosophise with friends. Or she reads, spontaneously goes on long bike rides or plays a video game for a change.
Always well organised, she runs the communication shop at Helvetiarockt. The fact that she says she often can’t keep her mouth shut suits this role only too well😊. A little fidgety, but at the same time incredibly clear and always surrounded by positive energy, she is the perfect person for this role. She is always able to instill calm and confidence in her colleagues, including the Helvetiarockt team, with well thought-out measures and concepts and, when required, pragmatic solutions.Pronouns: she/her
Mara Wehofsky
Communication, social media
Muriel Rhyner
Project Manager Courses in Producing & Songwriting
Over 600 concerts played in Switzerland and abroad. 5 Albums. 12 years of Delilahs. Muriel is a musician, songwriter, booker and project manager. She wrote her first own songs at the age of twelve, soon after she grabbed a bass guitar and established herself as an autodidact in the industry.
She has been involved with Helvetiarockt since day one, developed the Helvetiarockt Songwriting Camp in 2015 and has been cooking up additional offers for professional musicians since 2018. She makes the most out of her small workload and knows how to use her resources. At work she has been dubbed with the honourable nickname “Brainchild Slingshot” and is not afraid to take on any administrative tasks. As coach of the Helvetiarockt Bandworkshop in Bern and director of the Songwriting Camp in Zug, she genuinely sparks the interest in music in women. Her passion is contagious. She enriches our team on all levels and brings important perspectives to the table. As an experienced musician and teacher she is interested in offering high-quality courses and knows exactly what it feels like to stir up the industry as a woman. P.S.: If you are looking for project ideas, contact her!
Pronouns: She / Her
Petra Fässler
Regiomanagement Ost / Zentral
You have to experience Petra. When she organises workshops as a regional manager from central to eastern Switzerland, even in the most stressful moments, a cheeky remark slips from her lips, accompanied by a mischievous grin and a spark of mischief in her eyes. With her heart on her sleeve and her above-average enthusiasm, Petra’s commitment to gender equality and the promotion of young talent is truly infectious. The next generation is the future, all for the cause.
The fact that she is always full of vigour and with her sleeves rolled up is perhaps not least due to Petra’s career before Helvetiarockt: before she joined our team, her path took her from the office chair to the milking parlour, where she spent two alpine summers. However, her heart has long been in music and she plays guitar in the band Riot Robin.
From chopping wood and baking bread to feminist yodelling, from playing football in the alternative league to crocheting vegetables: Petra has a wide range of interests and possesses a myriad of hidden talents, which always adds a splash of colour to our everyday lives, shimmering and sparkling in all shades. Her energy, her humour and her direct manner are an integral part of the Helvetiarockt team.Pronouns: she/her
Regula Frei
Fundraising, concepts & impact assessment
The number of sleepless nights Regula has had during her time with Helvetiarockt is one of the most closely kept secrets of the Swiss music industry. She has been with Helvetiarockt since day one in 2012 and managed everything solo in the beginning. In the meantime, she has the support of a powerful team, and together they march towards the common goal of equality. Whenever she takes a moment to reminisce how much this project has grown, her eyes may water up. Regula is seldomly calm and reserved. From her sharp and astute gaze you can tell that her vision is very clear. Being pragmatic and down to earth, she only takes on projects that are realistic, yet meaningful. Focusing on the outcome and success she never stops questioning how things can be more inclusive.
As a teacher and adult educator, she brings high didactic standards to the table, but she has also rolled up her sleeves working for the SBB and PROGR, adding to her diverse skills and wide range of experience. Although Regula may be solid as a rock on one hand, her soft spot is her big open heart where everyone is welcome. So you wonder where to find her after work? In the limelight rocking the stage as a double bass player.
Pronouns: She / Her
Sophie Kuhn
Head of Administration & Finance
Latest in 2004, Sophie made her passion for music, culture and youth movements public with her active membership at the Gaskessel. But she was already immersed in the world of music as a child. The Gaskessel was her first work placement after graduating at the Ecole supérieure de commerce in Neuchâtel. Later, she managed the administration and the bar. After that, Sophie set off for new professional fields. She worked for 8 years in property management, with intermediate stops in salary administration, financial accounting and as an assistant to the management. At the same time, she began training as a Bach flower therapist for dogs.
Sophie has been in charge of our administration and finances since 2020. Her know-how has been sweeping us off our feet since the beginning. Sophie does it, get it organised, delivers new solutions, remodels and builds. She does it in such a way that even our lot, sometimes befuddled by creativity, understands what is at stake. Sophie facilitates processes, creates overviews and thus puts the whole association on solid ground. And during this whole process, she also infects us with her pragmatic calmness. But Sophie is not only calm, she can also race through and check things off. Her talent is knowing when to get into a groove. And when she can’t stand the office anymore, she’ll get on her horse or you might meet her with her two dogs by the Aare.
Pronouns: She / Her
Val Mahler
Regiomanagement north
Caroline Alves
Caroline Alves is a self-taught Singer/Songwriter of Brazilian origin. Since her teenage years, Caroline has been writing songs about freedom, fears, addictions and the creative power of women and gender minorities. After playing on the streets of Switzerland, Caroline quickly aroused the interest of the music scene with the release of her first album “Moonlight” in 2020. The following year, she became the first woman in over 10 years to win the Swiss Music Award “Best Talent”. Caroline is very familiar with the challenges that women face in the music industry and it is therefore important to her to support women and non-binary people in the music sector.
Chantal Bolzern
Chantal is a music-obsessed attorney and professionally takes care of all legal matters in the creative sector. She spent many years with SUISA, where she dealt with copyright law, contract law and the licensing of music performances. Since 2018 she has been working for the law firm BKS Rechtsanwälte AG. She commutes between Winterthur, Bern and Berlin and is often seen in front of concert stages.
Eva-Maria Stoller
More information will follow shortly…
Hélène Mourgue d’algue
Originally from Geneva, Hélène and her family packed their suitcases to move to Bern and enjoy the Swiss German way of life. With more than 15 years of experience in the field of IT project management, she recharges her batteries regularly with the booming bass sounds in Swiss clubs. For her, supporting women* is plain as day and if it’s in music even better!
Alexia Thomas
Angie Addo
Anisa Djojoatmodjo
Anna Aaron
Anna Gosteli
Anna Murphy
Belia Winnewisser
Billie Bird
Camila Koller
Carmen Fenk
Carmen Schoder
Cégiu Voser
Chiara Jacomet
Daniela Weinmann
Dorian Biolley
Eli Wolff
Eva Heller
Eva-Maria Stoller
Evelinn Trouble
Fernanda Ramos
Flèche Love
Flo Diemer
Florine Nnavy
Francesca Lago
Franziska Staubli
Giulia Dabalà
Jasmin Albash
Jessica Ode
Joan Seiler
Joell Nicolas
Juli Lee
Justine Tornay
Kate Lim
Keiran Chapatte
Laura Frei
Laura Livers
Leila Moon
Louise Knobil
Lynn Maring
Madafi Pierre
Martina Berther
Martina Stutz
Melisa Su
Mélusine Chappuis
Milena Krstić
Momo Kawazoe
Ms Joan
Muriel Rhyner
Nadja Zela
Natalia Anderson
Nathalie Maerten
Noée Wallimann
Noemi von Felten
Noria Lilt
Sara Diggelmann
Sarah Rama Zuber
Sarah Zaugg
Tiziana Greco
Ursina Giger
Vanessa Engensperger
Yeelen Kamanda
Anne-Sophie Keller
Autorin, Journalistin, Kolumnistin
Christine Wyss
Die Kultessen
Claudine Esseiva
Stadträtin Stadt Bern FDP
Eva Jaisli
CEO PB Swiss Tools
Fabienne Schmuki
Geschäftsführerin Irascible Music, Vorstand IndieSuisse, Kulturvermittlerin und -förderin
Fabienne Wolfschläger
Open Air St. Gallen: Booking und Projektleitung Intro und Plaza Stage, Kulturmanagerin
Franziska Burkhardt
Leiterin Kultur Stadt Bern
Katharina Rufener
Freischaffende Bewegungsschaffende, Coach/Beraterin in der Arbeitsintegration
Leena Schmitter
Historikerin & Geschlechterforscherin; Mitglied Sektorleitung Tertiär, Gewerkschaft Unia
Marena Whitcher
Martine Chalverat
Directrice artistique - Festival de la Cité Lausanne
Mattea Meyer
SP-Nationalrätin Zürich und Co-Präsidentin SP Winterthur
Muriel Utinger
Leitung Technik & Mitglied Geschäftsleitung Kantonale Museen Luzern
Nadja Zela
Nicolette Kretz
Leiterin AUAWIRLEBEN Theaterfestival Bern, Autorin, Performerin
Samira Marti
Baselbieter Nationalrätin für die Sozialdemokratische Partei, Co-Präsidentin der SP-Bundeshausfraktion
Sandra Knecht
Sandra Künzi
Anwältin, Autorin, Performerin
Sandy Clavien
Kulturberaterin Bereich Musik, Dienststelle für Kultur des Kantons Wallis
Sylvie Reinhard
Unternehmerin und Vorstandsmitglied SUISA